SeptOct ’16 Issue On Stands and Online Now!
May June ’16 Issue On Stands and Online Now!
Whole Living Journal MarApr ’16
Whole Living Journal JanFeb ’16
MarApr’15 Issue On Stands and Online Now
May-June ’14 Issue is on stands and online now!
Check out the article by Judith Orloff, M.D.!Other offerings include:
~ an article about helpful herbs just for men by Mimi Tagher
~ a reflection by Jennifer Annenberg
~ an explanation about why a digital Sabbath is so important in today’s world by Randy Weeks
~ how one woman saved her own life by Heidi Bright, M.Div.
~ how horses can be healers by Michelle Griffith
~ the health benefits of colonics and how it can make you feel like you have a new body by Karen Fessler
~ … and much more!