Event Submission Guidelines

Whole Living Journal offers the area’s largest free event calendar. Event listings MUST be submitted by the deadline of each issue to be included in our print publication. Email listings using the Contact Us form.

Please use the following format to ensure accuracy. Format: Day of week, Month date, Title, Presenter, Time, Cost, Location, Contact Info.

All listings, including ongoing events, must be renewed before the deadline to be included in the next issue.

Deadlines are as follows:

Dec 1 (JanFeb) – Feb 1 (MarApr) – Apr 1 (MayJune)

Jun 1 (JulyAug) – Aug 1 (SeptOct) – Oct 1 (NovDec)

Online Event Calendar:  If you’d like for your event to be included in our online calendar, please register to become a member of Whole Living Community and submit your event information.