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Dr. Wayne Dyer
Choosing Miracles
by Tara L. Robinson
Albert Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Now I can’t say for sure exactly how the universe operates and there are certainly mysteries we may never understand, not to mention it’s very tricky to figure out the dynamics between free will and divine providence. However, what I do know for sure is that life is a lot more fun when I choose to live as though everything is a miracle. When I choose to live life as an adventure my level of enjoyment significantly increases. And since our thoughts and beliefs create our realities, it’s no surprise that miracles and adventurous happenings are regular occurrences in my life, or at least I interpret them as such.
One of my favorite quotes is by Joseph Campbell. He said ‟Anyone standing on a street corner waiting for the light to turn green is waiting to step into the world of heroic deeds and mythic action.” And in one of my favorite books ever, The Way of the Wizard, Deepak Chopra writes, “You cross the street not noticing the sword in the stone standing by the curb. A bus station can turn into the Crystal Cave if you are open to it.”
So the question is, are you open to it? Are you ready to begin living life as an adventure and as if everything is a miracle?
In my last Letter from the Editor (JanFeb ῾14) I chronicled the amazing synchronicities that lined up and resulted in a fated phone call with someone who found hope when he needed it most. In short, I interviewed Dr. Wayne Dyer and then spoke about the question I asked him regarding the Serenity Prayer and his answer to me on Waves of a New Age radio show later that same day. A listener who “just happened” to be “passing through” Cincinnati at that exact time called to say he had been planning his suicide for the past 12 days and had just decided he didn’t want to die after being reminded of the deep message of the Serenity Prayer which says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
What has happened since then continues to be a journey of living the miraculous. Before I had written and published my Letter from the Editor telling the story of my experience with divine intervention, I wrote a personal email to Dr. Dyer letting him know what had happened after we had talked. I didn’t receive a response from him, which wasn’t surprising given his very demanding schedule.
But then, we were suddenly flooded with emails from people in all corners of the world asking for copies of Whole Living Journal to be mailed to them and commenting on the amazing story of my conversation with Dr. Dyer. This sudden interest in WLJ and my editor᾿s letter was somewhat perplexing since it seemed to come from out of nowhere when a piece of information dropped into place that explained everything.
I was tagged in a Facebook post that read, “Cincinnati’s very own Tara L. Robinson is featured in Dr. Wayne Dyer’s latest newsletter.” As it turned out, Dr. Dyer hadn’t responded to me personally, but he had re-printed my email to him in his newsletter that was sent to his subscribers around the world! That’s why we were receiving requests and comments from places like Norway, Japan, Australia, South Africa and Germany.
Although I never imagined events would unfold like this, I do imagine my life can feel like a miracle, that it can be an adventure…that anything is possible.
I encourage you to begin looking for the sword in the stone standing by the curb in your own life, and consider stepping off that curb into the world of heroic deeds and mythic action. We’d love to hear from you about your own adventures. Please write to us, comment on our Facebook page, or come in person to Infusion Cincinnati where stories like this are shared every month. I’m going to close with some of the comments we’ve received since there’s not enough space in our Reader Feedback section to feature them there. Much love to all.
“Thank you, Tara. We can see clearly now that before merging into form, we were a part of God, with all the inherent qualities of a Creator who sends forth abundance, creativity, love, peace, joy, and well-being. Each and every one of us represent God or Spirit revealing Itself here on our planet. Remember that your life is bigger than you are, and dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. Namaste.” Wayne W. Dyer, Hawaii
“You are blessed with your awareness. So many people see the dots, but fail to connect them!” Robert Voges, Indiana
“Thank you for this magazine that I just discovered. My books that I cherish and I’ve learned so much from are by authors such as, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Don Miguel Ruiz, and many others. And I’m so thankful that you have articles from some of the authors I’ve mentioned.” Teresa Milaras, South Australia
“Dear Tara and Whole Living Journal, Today I read Dr. Wayne Dyer’s e-mail and your touching words about the radio program that saved one man’s life. Amazing! You have touched people in icy cold Norway too.” Therese Ulvan, Norway
“When reading your editorial and the article on Dr. Dyer’s latest book, I recalled the song entitled ‘I Can See Clearly Now’ written by Johnny Nash and performed in the movie Cool Runnings…‘I can see clearly now the rain is gone.’ – My vision (outer and inner) is no longer obstructed. ‘I can see all obstacles in my way.’ – I notice what’s preventing me from living the life I desire. ‘Gone are the dark clouds…’ – of discouragement, dejection, and despair. ‘Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying for.’ – Reflections of hopes and inspirations. ‘It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.’ – DeLightful!” Adele Bell, Cincinnati
Divine Intervention
by Tara L. Robinson
There’s a difference between a quantum moment in which one experiences instant personal transformation and a cosmic moment when one realizes he or she has just participated in a much greater plan. I had such a moment recently when my personal reality crashed full force into the reality of a stranger named Nick who was feeling desperate enough to end his life.
It all started when I was selected as one of only 10 people world-wide to participate in a live teleconference with Dr. Wayne Dyer on Tuesday, December 3, 2013. Dr. Dyer is an internationally renowned speaker and author, known by many as the “father of motivation,” and one of my personal heroes.
I’ve long held the vision of one day speaking with Dr. Dyer and asking all of my burning questions. I imagined it would be in person, but as it was turning out, my first personal interaction with Dr. Dyer would be on a phone line, thousands of miles apart, with my instructions being to ask exactly one question.
In my enthusiasm at being selected for this rare opportunity I quickly announced it on Facebook and asked all my “friends” what one question they would ask Dr. Dyer. The response was overwhelming. The post quickly received almost 100 “likes” and the comments came flooding in.
Out of all the comments received, one especially touched my heart. Randy Weeks posted, “This is exciting. I trust your heart and soul will provide you with the ideal question. You were given this opportunity for a reason, and I expect the question will be connected to, and congruent with, your insights, intention and selection for this very cool event.” Little did I know how accurate Randy’s words would turn out to be.
Fast forward to the day of the teleconference and I’m scrambling to finish Dr. Dyer’s new book, I Can See Clearly Now, which is the source from which I᾿m supposed to draw my question. I had received an advance copy of the book only the day before and had planned to skim it in order to have an overview of the message it contained. However, I had been captivated by every page and had spent my time intensely underlining nearly every other sentence as I read. The time of the teleconference was drawing closer and I was only a quarter of the way through. I had to formulate my question from what I had read so far.
I’ve long held the opinion that much of life comes down to the Serenity Prayer which says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Many of the struggles we face are dilemmas of whether the lesson is one of acceptance or courage.
Using this concept with which I wrestle constantly, I decided on my question. When the time came I asked Dr. Dyer, “In your book you talk a lot about the power of choice and the importance of choosing our attitudes and thoughts, but you also provide many examples of a mysterious force, or the Divine ‘I Am’ presence, being at work in your life. Can you please speak into the balance between free-will and destiny, and clarify how much control we really have over our lives versus just being pawns on a checkerboard?”
Dr. Dyer provided an enlightened answer of course and I went on with my day which consisted of hosting a radio show later that afternoon. A guest was not scheduled for this particular show, I’ll explain why later, so I used the airtime to talk about the teleconference and reveal which question I chose to ask.
I talked for close to an hour and then opened the phone lines and invited listeners to call in. Immediately the phone rang. I asked the caller to hold for a moment while I put them on the air. The voice on the other end of the line said, “I don’t really want to go on the air.” I said, “Oh, okay. I’ll let another song play then. Go ahead, how can I help you?” He said his name was Nick and he just happened to be passing through Cincinnati on his way home to Tennessee when he was flipping through the channels, stumbled upon my show, and heard me talking about the Serenity Prayer. He confided that he had been planning his suicide for the past 12 days and had just decided he didn’t want to die. He asked, “What is this station? What am I even listening to? Is this a Christian show?” I told him it didn’t matter, that it was a miracle and he was meant to hear it. I said, “Someone cares about you and that’s all that matters. Consider it divine intervention.”
Now for the rest of the story. I almost wasn’t on the teleconference, I almost didn’t ask the question I did, and I almost wasn’t on the radio that day. If it hadn’t been for a last minute change in travel plans, I would have been on an airplane at the exact time as the teleconference and unable to participate. I’ve since finished the book and would have asked a much different question if I had finished it before the teleconference. And the first Tuesday in December is my co-host Judy Peace’s week to host Waves of a New Age, but we had just made the decision to switch weeks so she could cover Christmas Eve for me. Thus the reason why a guest hadn’t been scheduled for this show and I had airtime available to say precisely what Nick needed to hear.
I can see clearly now
that I was destined to be in that exact space at that exact time asking that exact question. I can see clearly that it was never about me having this special opportunity I found so thrilling or even about me asking my number one burning question. It was about playing a small part in a much larger plan and asking the one question that most needed to be asked in order to have the greatest possible impact, and in order for me to be the channel for grace I pray every day to be in this world. Randy was right. I was given this opportunity for a reason. And my question was connected to my intention for not only this event, but the intention I have for my life.