WLJ’s Tara L. Robinson shares stage with Dr. Wayne Dyer

YouTube thumbnail2On Sunday May 4th, Whole Living Journal publisher Tara L. Robinson was asked to speak at the Hay House Writing From Your Soul writer’s conference in Ft. Lauderdale with best-selling author Dr. Wayne Dyer and Hay House President and CEO Reid Tracy. The link to the video of Tara’s presentation is below and includes great tips for aspiring writers as well as the amazing account of her journey with Dr. Dyer and how she got to the conference in the first place.

Watch Video HERE

11th Anniversary Celebration May 16th

The Power, Passion and Purpose of Women

We’re honoring our 11th Anniversary with a special event at Elemental OM in Montgomery on May 16, 2-4pm. Great networking opportunity!

We’re commemorating our 11th anniversary with a special event. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for every woman to be honest about her power…her passion…her purpose…and begin walking in that Truth. For as she draws closer to her own center, and increases the density of that place, others will be drawn by the gravitational pull to join her in that sacred space within a woman’s heart which contains the DNA to heal everything.In her powerful book A Woman’s Worth, Marianne Williamson says, “A woman is meant to hold the heart of the world within her hands. She must cater to it and minister to it and kiss it when it cries. When we do not recognize our cosmic function, our own hearts break, and so does the heart of the world.

She continues, “We must take the communion of women very seriously at this time and do all we can in supporting other women in reaching for the stars. There cannot be too many glorious women.”

In this way, this event will naturally serve as a great networking opportunity. Please join us as we support each other in reaching for the stars, connecting on the deepest level and remembering who we are and what we came to do.

Women are powerhouses. Our potential, our cosmic function, has only begun to be understood. In our natural state we are nurturers and givers of life. The power of our prayers cannot be overestimated. And there cannot be too many glorious women.

This event is free and no RSVP is necessary, but please arrive on time because there’s a lot to cover in only 2 hours.

Tara L. Robinson will facilitate and speak at the event on Friday. There will be some time to bond and network as well. Additionally, there’ll be some large group sharing and small group interaction. We don’t know how many will be there since RSVP’s aren’t required…some of the structure will be organic and depend on how many are present.

MarApr ’14 Issue

The new MarApr issue is on stands and online now!

Check out the article by Iyanla Vanzant!1
Other offerings include:
~ an article about how to fight cancer naturally by Christine Horner, MD
~ a reflection by Jennifer Annenberg
~ an overview of some of the most popular yoga styles by Meagan McCrary
~ how to bring more happiness to our world by Larry Gross
~ new healthcare technology captures auras by Vicki Richter
~ natural remedies for seasonal allergies by Mimi Tagher
~ … and much more!